Congratulations to BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon who has been invited to be “on call” and comment regularly in Women’s Health and Fitness Australia magazine.
“Its a tremendous privilege to have this opportunity” says Sarah. “Many of the readers of the magazine may be keen advocates for health, however we know how easily the genuine pursuit of health can cross over to disorder, with orthorexia and unhealthy weight loss practices. Further and even more concerning, our society is currently very confused, with disordered behaviour often mistaken and even glorified for being healthy.”
The truth is that anything that is fanatical is usually unlikely to be healthy as it impacts on social, occupational or other important areas of of functioning. According to the DSM V, this would make it clinically significant and likely to qualify as a psychological diagnoses.
Historically Women’s Health and Fitness Australia magazine have invited BodyMatters therapists to comment on their stories. BodyMatters commends the magazine for taking body image and eating issues seriously and their steps to influence their readership in positive and healthy ways.
Thanks for those words. It isn’t always easy to find the right way to go about diet and health matters.