Meet our newest dietitian Elle

NICKNAME: I don’t have a nickname now but as a child it was Snowy, Snowflake or Nellie

QUALIFICATIONS: I have a Bachelor in Science with Honors in Nutrition Biochemistry and a Post Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics

ACHIEVEMENTS: Having a fulfilling career life. Bringing my daughter into the world after seven years of trying. Motherhood.

WHY DID YOU PURSUE DIETETICS? As a child I did competitive gymnastics and lost a friend and team member to Anorexia Nervosa. That tragic event inspired me to study Dietetics and want to help others struggling with an eating disorder.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I’ve had an interest in Eating Disorders for some time and I felt that the BodyMatters approach aligned with my values of how important it is to have a positive relationship with food and your body.

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think “ – Frida Kahlo

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: Living a peaceful life of abundance and happiness.

FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES: Gymnastics, walking, bike riding.

FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Being at the beach or outdoors, travelling, listening to music and I am an indoor plant freak.

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL:  I tell my daughter my super power is that I can tell if someone is fibbing 🙂  I have an intuitive nature.

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU: My grandmother; she was an amazingly strong, loving, spiritual woman who overcame a lot of challenges in her life. Otherwise the amazing ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity.

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES: My grandmother and Nadia Comaneci.

3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: Yummy food, my daughter and my cossies.


WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE: Tough one, there are so many great movies. I tend to love quirky romantic comedies.

FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL: There are so many special places I have visited but I’d say Portugal, Greece and Thailand are my favourites.

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE DIETETICS, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: Fashion or interior styling, I have a creative side and an eye for aesthetics.


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