Categories: Parenting

23 quick ideas for supporting a loved one through recovery from an eating disorder

Does your child have an eating disorder? Are you feeling stuck regarding  how to go about supporting them? 23 quick ideas for you to consider.

Nine rules of engagement:

  1. Pick your timing- and your battles
  2. Be patient- accept that change takes time
  3. Hold the hope- recovery is possible, no matter how far away it feels
  4. Remember you can seek advice- even if your child isn’t ready to access treatment
  5. You are not to blame. Eating disorders are triggered by a range of factors
  6. The sooner the intervention/treatment commences, the quicker the outcome
  7. Don’t comment on the appearance of your child, or anyone
  8. Use open ended questions not closed questions. Eg “how did you manage eating today” not “what did you eat today”
  9. Even though you may feel helpless, remember, you can provide practical support- assistance in planning meals, distracting after meals. You can also identify and triggers such as bathroom scales or leaving food around. Discuss these things collaboratively with your child

Three particularly great resources for parents of adults with eating disorders & teenagers who binge eat:

  1. Janet Treasures book “Skills Based Learning when Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder
  2. Neda Toolkit
  3. The Butterfly Foundation

Six particularly great resources for parents of children/ teens with EDs who restrict:

  1. Maudsley Parents website
  2. Feast website
  3. At Home with Eating Disorders conference, scheduled for the end of May 2015 in Melbourne
  4. Eating with your anorexic book
  5. Brave Girl Eating book
  6. My Kid Is Back book

Five great services offered by BodyMatters:

  1. Parent support groups are commencing this Saturday! The above image outlines these details however please email info@bodymatters.com.au for further information
  2. Involvement of parents in treatment of restrictive symptoms, for Maudsley Family Therapy clients; and when deemed appropriate for other clients
  3. Consultations for parents. These can be one-off or ongoing support.
  4. Multiple complimentary resources for you to download
  5. Eating Disorders 101: A free report for anyone who signs up to our website blog

Over to you: What resources and activities have you found most helpful to help your child in their recovery?

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