About Olivia Bridges 

Oli has been completing her placement working towards completing her Diploma of Counselling and Communications. She is a certified sexological bodyworker and is passionate about our planet and our people. With her career objective to work towards helping create better sex education and a more embodied understanding around consent, boundaries and communication. Oli says:

Hi all, I am honoured to be working with BodyMatters and create some content for you all to read. As mentioned, I am passionate about being. Being present, being authentic, being loving and being in love with yourself so you can love the world around you. As a certified sexological bodyworker, I have the privilege to work with people on their personal pleasure journeys. Sessions are client led and we create an educational contract with a learning objective so we have a goal to work towards as we move through embodiment practices, erotic exploration, mirror work. The possibilities are endless but the results of bodywork are undeniable. I see my sessions as a co-created space, I will hold space for you to dive into the deep exploring yourself, your body and integrating your discoveries along the way. Your body knows all the answers you seek, I provide a safe space for you to find those answers within, guided by curiosity as we venture into the unknown, to nourish so you may flourish and offer tools for you to bloom into your best self. Learning objectives may range from learning about anatomy and orgasms, body acceptance, pleasure mapping, mirror work, regulation through breath and movement, moving stored emotions and releasing trauma, acceptance and self love practices. The list goes on. 

Working in a field focused on the road to recovery from eating disorders is an honour as most of my life I struggled with disordered eating, body image issues and body dysmorphia. I understand through my own experiences how isolating, shameful, anxiety inducing and debilitating it can be to constantly be worried about how I looked, what I was eating, eating in public, wearing bikinis, looking at myself in the mirror… the list goes on. There was a time in my life where my size dictated my life. The need to lose weight in order to be accepted by the community around me (really it was just so I would accept myself). Yet I never reached those goals. My happiness was “when I ___, then I will be happy”, I would reach those goals without acknowledgement and strive to push further. Then one day I proposed to myself. “What if I looked at myself the way I look at others. What if I showed myself the same level of love and care. Why can I look at any body and see beauty, yet when I look at my own…. I am disgusted.” I started my therapeutic journey, I started to see myself. Not a misconception, but me. Wow. “I am beautiful,” I told myself everyday when I looked in the mirror. 

I am now proud to say these past couple of years, everytime I see my reflection, I am in awe. I eat with great love and engagement. I live in love with myself, my body and how much my weight fluctuates. I celebrate my body and it’s changes giving love and thanks. Being granted the opportunity to learn more about the therapeutic journey of recovery and how wonderful and compassionate BodyMatters are, it has been a pleasure to try and create insightful blog posts on different approaches and modalities. This is such a passion of mine because I lived through it and got to come out the other side with the opportunity to give back to the community and hopefully help inspire, motivate and show compassion to those along their own journey.

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