Be a Part of Our Understanding Body Matters Podcast


Our Understanding Body Matters podcast has reached an impressive milestone of 113 episodes, each packed with helpful information and inspiring stories of recovery. Created by psychologists with deep experience in treating eating and dieting disorders, body image concerns, and unhealthy exercise habits, our podcast is a trusted source of information for those affected by these challenges.

Photo Source: Canva

Why We Want You on Our Show

Our podcast is all about sharing knowledge and experiences related to eating disorders, body image, and the journey to recovery. We’re looking for guests who can offer varied perspectives and personal stories to our listeners. Whether you have personal experience, knowledge in mental health, or have navigated these issues yourself, your contribution can make a big difference.

Joining us as a guest isn’t just about sharing experiences; it’s a chance to contribute to something bigger. Your stories and knowledge provide comfort to others who m

ight feel alone in their struggles and offer practical suggestions for recovery. You’re not just speaking to our audience; you’re helping to create a supportive community.

Before you decide to join us, feel free to explore our previous episodes. You can check out our podcast here to get a sense of the conversations we foster and the wide range of topics we cover. It’s a great way to see how your own experiences and knowledge might fit into our ongoing dialogue.

Join Us Today

If you connect with our cause and have a story or perspective that fits our themes, we’d love for you to join us. Your involvement is more than just a conversation; it’s a step towards fostering understanding and support in our community.

To show your interest, please sign up via our guest invitation link, which our team will review: https://bodymatters.com.au/guest-call-for-understanding-body-matters-podcast/

Let’s work together to keep offering a resource that enlightens, educates, and brings hope. Your contribution could be a key part of someone’s journey to recovery.

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