Categories: BodyMatters

Bodymatters welcomes Lauren to the team!

NICKNAME: Lau, pronounced ‘Lo’

QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from McMaster University and Masters of Social Work from the University of Western Ontario, both completed in Ontario, Canada.

ACHIEVEMENTS: My yoga teacher training certification, and the graduation of my undergraduate and post-graduate degrees with honours are my most significant achievements. However I also try and celebrate small achievements each day that take courage, strength, and overcoming fear, such as learning to surf or taking a three-day trek and exploring somewhere new.

WHY DID YOU PURSUE SOCIAL WORK? I am passionate about the opportunity social workers have to support change on an individual level, a group or community level, and at a global level. We are therapists, change-makers, and advocates seeking social justice, and the opportunity to be a part of it all truly inspires me.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I have had the opportunity to begin working in an organization that has taken on a lot of important and inspiring initiatives and steps to preventing, treating, and raising awareness of eating disorders and its related causes. This is the field of work I have always wanted to be involved in, and I’m so looking forward to being part of the BodyMatters team!

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: I love many quotes, but one of my top favourites: ‘A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.’ –Maya Angelou

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN TEN YEARS? I see myself teaching yoga and practicing as a social worker working with people with eating disorders, and ideally combining these two passions of mine together! I also hope to be with a partner, own a house, and am beginning to start a family.

FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES: Trail running, gym training, kayaking, swimming and snowboarding… I will try almost anything, and have just started to learn to play tennis!

FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Reading, writing and journaling, yoga, travel… I also love going for long walks and catching up with friends, watching movies, and spending time on the beach.

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL? I think I am a pretty intuitive person, and often make decisions based on what I feel is right in that moment or at that time, often without explanation or contemplation. Often I commit to big things, and then look back and work out the little steps on how I’m going to get there.

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU? People who inspire me are those who are up to big things, such as big dreams, goals and aspirations, and those people who might fall down along the way but always get back up. Especially inspiring is those who bring a little light, love and laughter into everything they do- because life just doesn’t have to be so serious!

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES? My hero was and still is my mom. She was always the rock and the solid person to lean on during tough times, and someone to laugh with during joyful ones.

THREE THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND? My yoga mat, the book ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett, and my closest friend.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE? The beach. I love spending an entire day walking along the shore, relaxing in the sun and swimming in the ocean.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE? The Sound of Music is my all time favourite feel-good sing-along film. I truly believe this movie would be loved by anyone and everyone.

WHAT ARE YOU FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL? New Zealand, Costa Rica, and Spain. I’d love to travel more around Europe as well as Southeast Asia.

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE SOCIAL WORK, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE? I love the field of social work and also yoga teaching, but otherwise I think I would love working as a school teacher.

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