Categories: BodyMatters

Bodymatters welcomes Madalyn to the team!

NICKNAME: Everyone calls me Maddie.

QUALIFICATIONS: I completed both the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and the Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology at the University of Wollongong.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Completing my degree and being awarded top student in my diploma.

WHY DID YOU PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY? After some difficult life experiences in my early teenage years I realised what got me through was my large support network of family and friends. Without them, I honestly believe I would have been a completely different person today. It was this realisation that made me want to be able to provide support to others going through a difficult time.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I have always been passionate about helping people who have disordered eating and have always advocated towards a positive relationship with one’s self and with food. I found that BodyMatters holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle and Health at Every Size ethos were consistent with my values and beliefs in regards to treating eating disorders.

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Change your thoughts and you change your world” – Norman Vincent Peale

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: I will be married with a family and house of my own. Professionally, I will have finally completed my full registration as a psychologist and will hopefully be making a significant contribution to the eating disorder field in a job that I am passionate about.

FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES: I have never been good at sports, particularly sports that involve a ball of some sort. Growing up, my mum, my sister and I always joked that sport was a swear word in our house! In saying this, it has always been important to me to be active for both my physical and mental health. I love high intensity interval training (HITT), boot camps, boxing, group classes, yoga and walking outside. There is nothing better than spending a beautiful day outside doing the Bondi to Bronte walk with a good friend.

FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Since finishing my university degree I have rediscovered my love of reading (for leisure rather than for work!).

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL: I like to think of myself as a pretty good amateur cake decorator.

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU: I am truly inspired by Turia Pitt. Turia suffered burns to 65% of her body after she was trapped in a grassfire while running an ultra marathon through the Kimberly in Western Australia. Despite this, Turia shows more inner strength, positivity and determination than anyone I know.

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES: As cheesy as it sounds, my mum will always be my hero.

3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: This is a hard one. I think I would take a satellite phone, a good book and my fiancé (not only because he would be great company but he is also incredibly resourceful).

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE: Without a doubt, my favourite indulgence would have to be ice cream! I have been known to eat ice cream outside in -5˚C temperatures.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE: You can never go wrong with a good romantic comedy.

FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL: I love to travel anywhere and everywhere but my favourite places all involve sun, good food and a cocktail by the pool (or two!).

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: My passions have always been health and psychology so if I hadn’t pursued psychology I probably would have been a nutritionist or a dietitian so that I could continue to learn and teach others about how to best nourish the body.

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