COVID-19: How to Cope with Coronavirus Outbreak










Photo By Pixabay. Written by Madison Pribula

With the world’s main focus on the Coronavirus, it can bring increased anxiety and stress for many due to the uncertainty of the situation. As many know eating disorders do not pause, and given the current state of food availability, uncertainty and social distancing we know that this is a difficult time for the mental health of all Australians, particularly for those with eating disorders.

BodyMatters have come up with some ways you are able to cope with the stress of COVID-19 below:

  1. Avoid or Turn Off Social Media
    As we know, social media right now is congested with all things regarding coronavirus. Turning on your social media only adds stress and anxiety over the already scary situation where there are inconsistent and exaggerated stories being portrayed all over the internet and can be triggering and cause much more concern. It can be hard for us to keep track of what stories are genuine and what articles we are meant to truly act on and consider. However, it is important to stay up to date with the extent and actions that need to be taken through reliable sources such as videos of the Prime Minister and other leaders talking themselves. Be sure not to overload yourself with these or find someone you trust and feel comfortable with to update you personally. During times like this, try turn off or limit your time on social media and find other ways you are able to work on yourself, including reading new books and learning something. Take this time to do things for yourself.

  2. Practice Physical not Social Distancing
    With all the new recommendations regarding social distancing, it is important that we understand what this truly resembles. Although it is important to practice distancing whenever we can, it is critical to understand that we are able to still remain social and stay in touch with those important to us. If you are aware of someone who struggles mentally or struggles to be alone, stay in contact with them by giving them a call or Facetime. This will act as a distraction and a way for them to know that you are there for them. Even a short call and chat can make the biggest difference in someone’s mood.

  3. For Parents
    It is important for parents to understand that children are continuously looking at how we respond and react to the continuous changes and updates on the coronavirus. The type of environment you are portraying for your children can have a strong impact on how they respond to both the situation right now and in the future. One way parents are able to reassure their children is to take the time of the day to discuss and talk about COVID-19 in a way that makes them feel comfortable and at ease about the situation that may be causing them a lot of distress. Ensure them of the importance of keeping up with personal hygiene and that if they ever feel worried or concerned that they are able to talk to you about it.

  4. Creating a Routine
    Self-isolation can have a strong impact on many individuals’ set routines and can be quite triggering and distressing if this is suddenly changed.  We are aware that many businesses and companies have moved remotely and for some employment has been put on pause which can be extremely difficult. However, although these changes can be challenging, creating and setting up a routine is essential in ensuring we remain active, resilient and productive. Below are some things that you are able to work into your own routine:
  • Set up an at-home office that you feel comfortable in if you need to work from home. Make sure that this is in an area that you know you won’t feel distracted in and move things around and experiment with the room you are in until you feel comfortable.
  • Set a time throughout the day where you are able to move your body – whether that is stretching, practicing yoga or finding a quick YouTube video on ways you are able to stay active and move your body from home.
  • Create your own planner and set times you want to aim to get tasks completed by and tick them off once they have been completed.
  • Get some fresh air and sit outside during breaks whenever you can as being inside all day can be challenging and it is important to take a break to be outside and feel the sun.

We understand the difficult situation that you may be in at this time, however, BodyMatters are doing our best to ensure that you are given and able to access continued support and that it is delivered safely for you during this time. If you wish to schedule a telehealth appointment, please contact info@bodymatters.com.au. If you are in crisis, please call your local hospital or lifeline on 13 11 14.


Other helplines available include:

  • The Butterfly Foundation
  • Beyond Blue
  • Kids Help Line
  • Lifeline Australia



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