Categories: Recovery

BodyMatters Guest Blog: Eating Disorder Hope – Resources for Recovery

by Courtney Howard

Through its partnerships with various treatment centers throughout the United States and internationally, Eating Disorder Hope has become a unique online resource for those in recovery. Anyone struggling with an eating disorder or a loved one can now find an extensive treatment center directory, support group listings, a regularly updated recovery blog, free social media events, and more at just the click of a mouse.

Eating Disorder Hope was founded in 2005 by Jacquelyn Ekern, CEO, to address the eating disorder community’s growing need for resources and a safe space to connect. Jacquelyn is recovered from her own eating disorder and is proud to inspire so many others through this online community.

There are many websites that can be harmful to those in the throes of an eating disorder. Individuals often seek out these pro-ana or pro-mia blogs and forums to feel a sense of belonging and be able to discuss their eating disorders openly, without judgment. However, the content on these pages feed their eating disorders by promoting disordered thoughts and behaviors. Through its Pro-Recovery Movement, the team at Eating Disorder Hope aims to provide the support, understanding, and sense of togetherness that these websites do but in a way that promotes recovery and healing.

With the knowledge that social media can be a powerful tool, Eating Disorder Hope regularly hosts live Twitter chats, Google hangouts, and webinars with special guest hosts. The team at Eating Disorder Hope hosted many interactive events for NEDAwareness Week 2016 and looks forward to more exciting events on the calendar. For example, Nikki Dubose, activist and former model, will be hosting an upcoming Google hangout on how to maintain positive body image during the summer months.

Jacquelyn and the rest of the team at Eating Disorder Hope know that full recovery is possible and are deeply committed to providing resources that can benefit the global eating disorder community. If you are currently struggling, do not turn to websites that encourage your disorder. Reach out to the community at Eating Disorder Hope and speak your truth.

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