Lockdown Activities

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, society had become increasingly fast-paced with many accustomed to busy agendas and minimal downtime. Then it all changed: a “new normal” emerged. Many have found the most recent lockdowns particularly challenging after 18 months of living through the pandemic. However, those in lockdown may wish to view this time as an opportunity to pursue areas and opportunities that might otherwise be neglected or not prioritised.  Whether it be professional development, practical housekeeping or fun and entertainment, we have some suggestions to keep you busy.

Professional Development
Lockdown is an ideal time to reflect on your career and plan for the future. This may involve updating your CV and mapping a vision board for the next 2 or 5 years. This is a great opportunity to volunteer online through an organisation such as UN Volunteers. Phone apps such as “Duolingo” can also be used to learn a language. You may also wish to upskill by pursuing further education, either formally or informally through a free online course.  Alternatively, you might commit to self-educate on a particular topic of interest through podcasts, books and documentaries. Particularly topical subjects in 2021 are climate change, sustainability, politics, globalisation, cryptocurrency, and space travel.

Practical “housekeeping” tasks
Completing “big” housekeeping tasks now will pave the way for a smooth transition out of lockdown, freeing up time for the things you couldn’t do while under restrictions. This may involve cleaning large appliances such as a fridge, oven, BBQ, microwave, pantry or shelves. Other tasks you may wish to tick off are sorting your wardrobe and decluttering your house or home office. Or perhaps your computer files need to be organised and software updates ran to ensure everything is backed up and up to date to avoid future problems. You may also wish to polish your shoes or clean your makeup brushes. While these tasks not be the most exciting way to spend your free time, you will certainly thank yourself later.

Fun and entertainment
It’s also perfectly understandable and acceptable if you just want to relax. Perhaps you wish to undertake activities that you enjoy which you might not otherwise have time to do. You might even discover a new hobby that enhances your life and can be continued beyond lockdown. If you’re feeling creative this may involve knitting, origami, knitting, painting, drawing, mandala colouring in, making jewellery with beads, or pottery. Lockdown is also a great time to create music playlists as music is a great mood booster! Of course, you could also read a fiction or non-fiction book or watch Netflix. 

We would love to hear about the lockdown activities you have been up to in our comments box below! 


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