Categories: Body Image

Private yoga classes with Love Body Yoga’s instructor Lauren


Never tried yoga before and interested in learning about how yoga can help with eating disorder recovery? Interested in diving deeper into your yoga journey with personalised classes?

One-on-one yoga sessions allow for a more intimate view into YOUR practice – whether you’re interested in starting a yoga practice, deepening your current practice, or spending some time working with a specific goal or concern within your recovery journey.

With Love Body Yoga, our certified yoga instructor, Lauren offers private yoga sessions in-person or via Skype with a focus on embodiment and learning to experience and witness our bodies in a more positive way. Our individual yoga classes are personalised and are suitable for people of all shapes and sizes and at all stages of recovery.

Lauren’s clients consistently report they have found their yoga mats to be a place of relaxation & a break from the mind’s constant thoughts. Participants have noticed that they are able to let go of the desire to be ‘perfect’ and simply just start to notice their breath, their bodies, and experience each moment on their mats.

We have an Introductory Offer of 5 Skype sessions for $350 or 5 face-to-face sessions for $400. Book in with Lauren now and begin your yoga practice as a step on the journey towards eating disorder recovery.

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