What is muscle dysmorphia?

By Remie Jaggard Muscle dysmorphia (MD) is a subtype of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Like other forms of Body Dysmorphic...

April 5

The Value of Seeing a Dietitian in ED Recovery

By Remie Jaggard and Gabriella Barclay When an individual is in treatment for an eating disorder it is important to...

November 21

Myths surrounding Eating Disorders in Males

By Remie Jaggard The presence of Anorexia Nervosa in males was first noted by Sir William Gull in 1874....

July 31
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Supporting your child when they have a mental illness

By Remie Jaggard Mental illnesses affect most adolescents and children- either directly or indirectly through their peers, friends or...

July 27

How to maintain your health this winter

By Remie Jaggard When it comes to motivation, the sunshine and warmth that summer brings is a big one...

June 30