Tips for Holidays: From the BodyMatters Team

Holidays are “meant” to be fun… but this is not always the case. Particularly if you or a loved one experiences disordered eating, holidays can be very difficult. Our BodyMatters team makes some suggestions to help you survive the holiday season.

Amy Newsom suggests:

  1. For me, holidays are times to see the world from a different perspective. Most people live such routine-based lives that it isn’t often they get to mix things up and notice something new. I believe this is the key to feeling refreshed!
  2. If you’re going away or overseas, think about the differences in cultural attitudes to food, bodies, health and relationships. It’s too easy to assume that the way things are in your city is the way things are everywhere – but this is usually very far from the truth!

Georgie Lavan recommends:

  1. Don’t overdo it. You’ll need a holiday from your holiday.
  2. Mix between planned and spontaneous. There’s nothing worse than reflecting on your holiday and realising you didn’t do anything (or perhaps worse, didn’t stop!).

Emma Sheens advises:

  1. Try to create routine in what is often a ‘routine-less’ period. Something like…going to your favourite cafe each morning for a coffee or getting out of the house each day to walk your dog around the block.
  2. If you’re not going away for the holidays, why not have a ‘staycation’. Pick a new suburb, cafe, shopping mall or outdoor market to visit and pretend your overseas visiting a brand new place!
  3. If feeling lonely but not super eager to meet up with anyone, head to the shops to feel amongst people. Shops, whilst they can be hectic and busy, can often be joyous during the holiday season.
  4. If you notice thoughts around body image creeping in or becoming loud, get in your car and drive to the beach. At the beach there are people of all shapes and sizes and it’s a great reminder that we’re all so unique and beautiful in every way!
  5. Spend time with people who ‘get you”! People who know what you’re going through and make you feel at ease and comfortable by simply being in their presence!

 Maddie McCormack advocates:

  1. Try and stick to a normal eating routine.
  2. Think ahead and put a plan in place, perhaps with the help of your psychologist.
  3. Plan pleasurable activities for you to enjoy that don’t revolve around food.
  4. Use holidays as an opportunity to challenge yourself.
  5. Use any slip ups as a learning opportunity.

Image source: Pixabay


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