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The Key Principles of Health at Every Size: Photo Blog

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon At BodyMatters we work from a health centred paradigm, a framework that transcends eating...

September 5
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PRESS RELEASE: Eating disorder experts warn about dieting for summer

With spring upon us, eating disorder experts warn that we should not be dieting in a bid to lose...

September 4
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Eating Disorders in Schools

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to speak about eating disorders with some...

September 4
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Diabu-what? Diabulimia explained…

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Diabulimia is a life threatening eating disorder that is poorly known about & still...

September 2
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So what about the miss/representation of females in the media?

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon When we talk about the negative role the media has on young girls, I...

August 29
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Are you interested in joining Endangered Bodies?

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Have you ever read the universal declaration of human rights? If you haven’t, I...

August 27
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Calling all Intern Psychologists!

Are you having trouble meeting the mandatory testing requirement for your internship because: No testing library is available? You haven’t been...

August 23
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Mamamia’s shocking new stats on body image

Yesterday Mamamia released some shocking new statistics highlighting just how alarming the body image crisis in Australia actually is....

August 19
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Open letter to Channel 9 and Big Brother

BodyMatters Individual Therapist Kassie Bottalico responds to shocking footage from Big Brother last week, when female contestants were provided...

August 19
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Thank Goodness for Gomes!

by Individual Therapist Jen Bradon Have we lost our perspective? It has been a controversial week in t he...

August 16