BodyMatters’ top 20 books for holiday reading

We are pleased to release our “top 20” books for holiday reading which we trust will help you on your journey to body acceptance. These might make good Christmas presents- for yourself or a loved one. They may also be life changing reading for yourself. Drum roll….

Books for self acceptance:

  1. Self Compassion- by Kristen Neff
  2. Rising Strong- by Brene Brown
  3. Daring Greatly- by Brene Brown
  4. The Gift of Imperfection- by Brene Brown
  5. Braving the Wildnerness- by Brene Brown
  6. Loving What is- Byron Katie
  7. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck- by Mark Manson

Weight Natural:

  1. Body Kindness- by Rebecca Scritchfield
  2. Health at Every Size: The surprising truth about your weight- Linda Bacon
  3. If Not Dieting, Then What?- Rick Kausman
  4. Big Fat Lies- by Glenn Gaesser
  5. Body Respect: What conventional health books get wrong, leave out and just plain fail to understand about weight- by Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphamor
  6. Rethinking Thin: The new science of weight loss- and the myths and realities of dieting- by Gina Kolota
  7. Living Large- by Cheri K Erdman

Body politics/ Body acceptance:

  1. Fat History- by Peter Stearns
  2. Fat?So! by Marrilyn Wann
  3. Notes from the Fat-o-sphere- by Kate Harding

Fiction & Memoirs:

  1. Diet Land- by Sarai Walker
  2. Hunger- by Roxane Gay
  3. Shrill- by Lindy West

Over to you! What are your favorite books on these topics?

Please contact us if we can help you in your journey to healthy eating and body acceptance.

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