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The 9 essential things that a girl needs from her father

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon The Best First Date has gone viral, being viewed over 8.5 million times. If you...

July 17
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Lessons to remember with Rachel Frederickson

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Today social media is buzzing about the extreme weight loss of Rachel Frederickson on...

February 6
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Why talking about diets doesnt help recovery

By BodyMatters therapist Kassie Bottalico Recovering from an eating disorder is notoriously difficult. It is challenging because often the...

January 29

Tips for getting through the Holiday period

By BodyMatters therapist Kassie Bottalico Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of the year for everyone; however the...

December 18

Why we love Recovery Record

 By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon At BodyMatters we are always looking for efficient and engaging ways that enhance how...

December 12
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Tips for Relapse Prevention

by therapist Sarah McMahon Preventing and managing relapse is a crucial- and often overlooked- aspect of recovery.  Firstly, a...

December 4
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Dangerous Diets: Killer Ways To Lose Weight

By psychologist Sarah McMahon With the onset of every summer, new trending diets crop up all over the place....

November 19
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Charter of Peer Support: A Photo Blog

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon What informs how we approach supporting people with body image or eating issues? This...

September 13
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Eating Disorders in Schools

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to speak about eating disorders with some...

September 4
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Diabu-what? Diabulimia explained…

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Diabulimia is a life threatening eating disorder that is poorly known about & still...

September 2