Why we love Recovery Record

iphone By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon

At BodyMatters we are always looking for efficient and engaging ways that enhance how we practice. Recovery Record is just that and we are thrilled to be using it, as a practice, to better support our clients. And we are not the only people thrilled to be using it…with over 100 000 people suffering from eating disorders who currently utilise Recovery Record internationally, including many who are not actively engaged in any formal treatment, these numbers simply speak for themselves.

What we love about Recovery Record


We thought we would introduce you to the App and let you know about the things we love about it.

  • The opportunity to log meals on a phone ensures its use is discrete, efficient & in a real time environment.
  • The focus is not just on food-but on our relationship with food. This is so important! This includes understanding the connection between mood & food, and also the impact on our body such as hunger and satiety levels.
  • The opportunity for BodyMatters therapists to view our clients progress between sessions.
  • The opportunity to customise the App for meal plans, prompts, treatment goals and so forth.
  • The ability to customise settings to prompt the use of recovery oriented skills and techniques. This helps people to remember to use strategies identified in sessions at home- when it most counts!
  • Safe engagement with other sufferers through controlled feedback loops.
  • Ability to track and review progress by way of charts that can be easily generated.
  • The ongoing research and collaboration with Standford University to ensure the product is continually researched to optimise its effectiveness.
  • Excellent security settings.
  • The fact that it was developed by an Australian!
  • The developer is also a Clinical Psychologist who has an excellent understanding of eating disorders and treatment. She is sensitive to issues such as privacy and also eager to offer best practice.
  • Recovery Record’s genuine effort to continue to improve the App. We have been blown away by the customer service received and would encourage you to contact Recovery Record directly if you have any issues with or suggestions for their product.


If you want to use Recovery Record…


Simply down load it for free at your App store. If you are a current client at BodyMatters, your therapist has a clinician number that can be added into “settings” to enable optimal use of the App. It also gives our therapist access to your entries. This means we can use this in our work together.


Over to you…


Have you used this App before? What do you love about it? What things could be added or changed to make it even more helpful in recovery? Finally if you are a techno-file, what other Apps have you found helpful?

4 responses to “Why we love Recovery Record

  1. Hi,
    Is this available yet for windows phones??
    When i got initially told about this (a year or so ago…maybe a yr & a half ago even) it was just for Iphones…

    I only have a windows phone…

  2. Hi, we believe it is going to be available from January. We recommend you emailing them directly for further information.

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