Carer’s Blog 2: How to communicate with your loved one about their eating disorder

By Madalyn Oliver Communication during recovery from an eating disorder is vital. It is important that the sufferer and...

October 7

Carer’s Blog 1: Reflecting on our responses to our loved ones eating disorder

By Madalyn Oliver Parents, carers and other family members are usually the main support system for sufferers of an...

October 2

When the mind dislikes the body

By Deborah Etienne-Ward Two disorders which have a theme of body dissatisfaction are Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa....

September 5

Myths surrounding Eating Disorders in Males

By Remie Jaggard The presence of Anorexia Nervosa in males was first noted by Sir William Gull in 1874....

July 31

Is “orthorexia” an eating disorder?

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon Othorexia is a term that literally means “fixation on righteous eating”, presented clinically as...

July 13
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Fast demise: Does religious fasting trigger eating disorder behaviour?

By Sarah McMahon Today marks the beginning of Ramadan, an Islamic “holy month” where there is a period of...

June 18

Tips for getting through the Holiday period

By BodyMatters therapist Kassie Bottalico Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of the year for everyone; however the...

December 18

Why we love Recovery Record

 By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon At BodyMatters we are always looking for efficient and engaging ways that enhance how...

December 12

Starvation strikes! (trigger warning: graphic images)

By therapist Sarah McMahon Ancel Keys’ “Great Starvation Study” provides invaluable feedback when understanding the impact of starvation on...

November 25
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Revering Hunger

By BodyMatters therapist Sarah McMahon If we are feeling hot or cold, most of us would respond quite effortlessly...

September 18