Support Groups
Eating Disorder Recovery Talks and Understanding BodyMatters Podcast
Recovery Talks are events held by BodyMatters that promote a more congruent understanding of the journey of recovery. Our presenters are Recovery Champions- people who are on the “recovered” side of their eating disorder and are happy to share their experiences with you. Highlighting that we are not isolated in these experiences and allows us the opportunity to hear from someone else that has gone through the motions and journey of recovery.
BodyMatters hopes to continue these events because of how beneficial they have been in many peoples journey.
BodyMatters also runs a podcast discussing an array of topics related to eating disorders focusing on understanding how this can impact our lives on a holistic basis and the podcasts are inspired towards recovery. You can follow the podcast on a mix of media outlets like apple music and spotify – find out more here. Many of our Recovery Talks have been recorded and can be revisited on our Podcast.
Stay tuned for more podcasts and recovery talks.
Cost: $300* for the course, to be paid upfront.
*Rebates are not available for this service.