Year in review: how is your health?

At BodyMatters, we work from a health centred framework that considers health as holistic and ongoing process that includes all aspects of our life- including physical, mental, social & spiritual. Keeping this in mind, you may find it helpful to review your year and consider what things worked for you on your health journey. What would you do differently next year? The following questions will be helpful for you to consider:

  • What were your main accomplishments this year?
  • Did you reach your goals? What prevented you from achieving them?
  • What do you like about your life right now?
  • What parts of your life are not enjoyable to you right now?
  • What are you most grateful for this year?


  • How would you describe your physical health right now?
  • Are you moving your body regularly? Do you find physical movement pleasurable?
  • Are you eating lots of “everyday”, sometimes “sometimes” and  occasionally “occasional” food?
  • Do you eat according to your hunger and fullness signals at the moment?
  • What is working well for you to maintain your physical health?
  • What is working against you maintaining optimal physical health?
  • What would you do differently (or the same) next year to continue to improve your physical health?


  • How is your psychological health?
  • How would you describe your relationship with your body (ie your body image) right now?
  • What is working well for you to maintain your psychological health?
  • What is working against you maintaining optimal psychological health?
  • What would you do differently (or the same) next year to continue to improve your psychological health?


  • How are your relationships?
  • What is working well for you to maintain your social health?
  • What is working against you maintaining optimal social health?
  • What would you do differently (or the same) next year to continue to improve your social health?


  • How is your spiritual health?
  • What is working well for you to maintain your spiritual health?
  • What is working against you maintaining optimal spiritual health?
  • What would you do differently (or the same) next year to continue to improve your spiritual health?

Putting this all together, what do you want to work on in 2018 to continue your health journey? We would love to hear your thoughts!

If we can help you in your journey to improve your health or body acceptance, contact us.


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