QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor Nutrition and Dietetics, Research Master’s degree, Ph.D (ongoing) on nutrition and eating behaviors in women with Type 1 diabetes.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Juggling work, study, home life, and raising two joyful and active boys every day.

WHY DID YOU PURSUE DIETETICS? I actually didn’t really know what a dietetics career was about when I chose to study Nutrition and Dietetics however, I loved food and helping others, so it seemed to be a good fit.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I’ve spent a lot my career working in the public system in eating disorders with children, adolescence, and adults and couldn’t help but notice a gap in outpatient services. Body Matters is the perfect fit for me because it aims to empower individuals in their journey towards body acceptance and improved self-esteem. Also I am drawn to the wide range of expertise and large team environment.

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: I’ve got 2! “Be the lighthouse, not the tugboat” and “You do not just
wake up and become the butterfly, growth is a process” – Rupi Kaur

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: Pursuing the simple things in life – a happy family, good health, and delicious food.

FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES: I’ve always loved sport and activity. I love playing and watching basketball and meeting up with friends for a gym class.

FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Home gardening and permaculture, beekeeping, bike riding, cooking, art, and reading.

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL: I am an amazing thrifter!

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU: I ride with my kids to school along the Hunter River in Maitland. The river and all that surrounds it inspires me – the water, the fauna, the creatures, the movement, the reflection, the landscape.

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES: My mum – Growing up, my mum, despite facing hardships, was my ultimate hero, embodying strength and grace in every challenge she encountered. Her resilience and unwavering love shaped my
childhood, teaching me invaluable lessons about perseverance and compassion.

3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: A hammock, because lounging is a survival skill too, right? A never-ending bookshelf because who needs rescue when you’ve got infinite stories? And a never-ending playlist of 2000’s hits, because if I’m stuck, might as well dance through it!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE: Over-spending at a nursery!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE: Promising Young Woman and CODA – or any movie with a kick ass female lead.

FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL: I love the hidden towns along the east coast of New South Wales.

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE DIETETICS, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: An artist – I really enjoy experimenting with art in my spare time and I admire those who can make a career of it.