NICKNAME: I don’t really have one. My name is of Finnish origin, so I tend to run with the English pronunciation, Muh-ree.

QUALIFICATIONS: I completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in Nutritional Science many moons ago at the University of Canberra, followed by a Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics at the University of Wollongong. Some years into clinical work, I added some post-graduate education studies into the mix as I was interested in building skills in Clinical Supervision. I ended up working in the Adult Education sector for several years, in Allied Health Assistance training. But then went back to clinical nutrition work after maternity leave.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Becoming a mum with Type 1 Diabetes and managing a complicated pregnancy.

WHY DID YOU PURSUE NUTRITION/DIETETICS? I’ve always had an interest in health and medicine. My diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes steered me into the nutrition space.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I love the idea of working collaboratively with psychologists to support people with their eating concerns. I came across Body Matters when building my professional networks, so it felt like a natural next step to join the team when the opportunity came up!

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: “There is no fear in love.”

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: Publishing a book (there’s a draft sitting in storage, somewhere), painting water colour, doing pottery, and nervously getting into the car with my daughter behind the wheel.


FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Cake decorating, photography, music (piano; singing) and more recently I’ve developed interest in gardening. I find gardening oddly therapeutic!

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL: Using my landline phone to locate my mobile phone.

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU: Nature is one of many inspirations.

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES: my parents and their parents (my grandparents).

3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: my family, insulin, and a bit of chocolate in a cooler bag for good measure – oops, that makes 4!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE: Black Forest Cake – with plenty of insulin

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE: The Doctor – it had a profound impact on me as both a patient and as a future healthcare provider.

FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL: I’ve travelled abroad several times, through parts of Asia, Europe, and Egypt. I’d love to take our daughter to Finland as I have strong Finnish roots and can speak the language – perhaps a summer spent by the lakes, eating berries and ice cream, enjoying saunas and the midnight sun. I’d also love to explore Australia.

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE NUTRITION, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: I dabbled with the idea of architecture or graphic design when I was younger. These days I would say Music or Art Therapy.