New Year, New Mental Health Care Plan… with a Twist!

New Year, New Mental Health Care Plan… with a Twist!
Happy New Year to all our valued psychology and dietetic clients! We hope you had a restful break and...
January 6
Why ADHD is Relevant in Eating Disorder Treatment?
The connection between ADHD and Eating Disorders A 2024 report from the Butterfly Foundation highlights that rising rates of...
June 26
Which Treatments Work for Eating Disorders?
We are often asked about how to best set up treatment and we hear many stories of people who...
June 10
EDTPs: Your Essential Guide for Allied Health Professionals
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses with significant physical and psychological impacts. As an allied health professional, you play...
June 6
Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Biases on Body Image and the Need for Interventions
Body image is a significant aspect of our self-perception and influences our daily interactions, self-esteem, and decisions. Unfortunately,...
April 30
Embracing Inclusivity: Steps We’ve Taken at BodyMatters to Create a Safe Haven for Every Body
At BodyMatters, our commitment to inclusivity is not just a mantra; it’s a guiding principle that permeates every aspect...
March 21
The Paradox of “Beautiful” in Body Image Campaigns: How It Upholds the Importance of Beauty as a “Thing”
I saw it again today. This time it was the heading “All Postpartum Body Types Are Beautiful”, accompanied by...
March 6
Introducing our First Recovery Talks Speaker
Photo by Antenna on Unsplash BodyMatters is thrilled to officially confirm that we will begin hosting monthly Recovery Talks...
March 16
Pet therapy: 14 reasons why owning a pet could be good for your recovery
It has been said “There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face” (Bernard Williams)....
March 10
Does Victoria have more than its fair share of Fat Shamers?
Fat shaming continues to be all around us, however it seems that Victoria is beginning to develop a particularly...
January 21