You’re so vain. You probably think this blog is about you, don’t you? Don’t you?

By Georgina Lavan Are you singing right now? Me too! Over the next couple of weeks, we will look...

June 27

The Biggest Loser study: Why contestants can’t keep the kilos off

(Trigger warning: Unsafe dieting practices, weight, calories) By Georgina Lavan Earlier this month, the Obesity Journal released astonishing results...

June 22

‘BodyMatters’ and ‘The Yoga & Body Image Coalition’ are uniting!

By Emma Sheens What is the ‘Yoga & Body Image Coalition’? The ‘YBI Coalition’ is a group of yoga...

June 20

13 things that are sure to make you feel crap about your body…

By Sarah McMahon Compare yourself with others, and focus on their “good bits” Engage in “body checking” behaviour, such...

June 8

How much is too much? When exercising becomes unhealthy

By Madalyn Oliver When incorporated as part of a balanced lifestyle, exercise can play an important role in keeping...

June 6

Private yoga classes with Love Body Yoga’s instructor Lauren

  Never tried yoga before and interested in learning about how yoga can help with eating disorder recovery? Interested...

June 3

BodyMatters Guest Blog: Five Facts about ‘Fat Talk’

By Jacqueline Mills “My thighs are so fat!” “Are you kidding? Have you seen the size of you? What...

March 31

“Curvy Barbie”? Sarah speaks about our body image epidemic in Australia

You may have heard last weeks news: Barbie has had a make over– indeed, 33 new Barbie dolls are now...

February 7

When the mind dislikes the body

By Deborah Etienne-Ward Two disorders which have a theme of body dissatisfaction are Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa....

September 5

33 tips to raise body confident kids

Navigating the landscape of body image and healthy eating is terrifying for many parents. As quoted in Good Health Magazine August, 2015 our...

August 28