Should Orthorexia be it’s own diagnosis? Calling all health professionals!



What are the experiences and attitudes of health professionals about Orthorexia Nervosa? Researchers at The University of New South Wales, BodyMatters Australasia, Maastricht University in the Netherlands and NorthBay Healthcare in the US are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the experiences and attitudes of health practitioners regarding “orthorexia”, a potential ‘health food eating disorder’.

The term “orthorexia” was initially coined by Dr Steve Bratman, who wrote:

“I pursued wellness through healthy eating for years, but gradually I began to sense that something was going wrong. The poetry of my life was disappearing. My ability to carry on normal conversations was hindered by intrusive thoughts of food. The need to obtain meals free of meat, fat, and artificial chemicals had put nearly all social forms of eating beyond my reach. I was lonely and obsessed…I found it terribly difficult to free myself. I had been seduced by righteous eating. The problem of my life’s meaning had been transferred inexorably to food, and I could not reclaim it.”

Orthorexia is not currently accepted as an “official” eating disorder– most people suffering from this condition would be diagnosed with Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder.

Interested in participating in the research or finding out more? You can do so here.


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