Calling all Intern Psychologists!

Are you having trouble meeting the mandatory testing requirement for your internship because: No testing library is available? You haven’t been able to find a short courses specifically offering the opportunity to administer these tests? Purchasing tests is cost prohibitive for your supervisor?

We are seeking expressions of interests for the following opportunity:

Small group (ie 4 people) supervision & training in the administration of the three categories of mandatory tests required by APRAH, specifically:

  • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) (Personality test)
  • Stanford Binet (IQ test)
  • Wide Range Assessment of Memory & Learning (Memory test)

What we would offer:

  • Training in administering these tests ( three hours)
  • The opportunity to administer each test once during this supervision & training (six hours)
  • Given you need to administer each test at least five (5) times to complete your intership, access to our library to borrow these tests four (4) more times so that you can meet AHPRA requirements
  • Four (4) score sheets to enable you to administer the tests independently to meet AHPRA requirements

The opportunity would take nine (9) hours & could be counted as 9 hours group supervision (if Sarah McMahon is listed as your primary or 2ndary supervisor) OR you could count this as 9 hours of professional development (If Sarah is not listed)

Please note: this opportunity is simply to get you started & access tests to enable you to meet this requirement under AHPRA. You will need to continue to discuss the tests & associated reports in primary & secondary supervision to fulfil all requirements under AHPRA

What will this cost? $750 (+GST)

What next? If you have any questions, please call us on 02 9908 3833. Please email: to express your interest

Please note: Payment will required at the time of booking. This will be non-refundable as it will be used to purchase testing materials (which are expensive!)

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