Miss Representation? Try The Mask You Live In.

the mask you live inThe creators of Miss Representation have created a new documentary, The Mask You Live In, which follows the experience of boys and young men as they negotiate western culture’s narrow definition of masculinity. In particular, how they struggle to remain true to themselves. Ultimately this fascinating film illustrates how we, as a society, can raise a healthier generation of boys and young men.

We are pleased to announce that Collective Shout will be screening The Mask You Live In next Thursday 16th July.

We asked Coralie Alison, Director of Operations at Collective Shout, about why this documentary is so important.

the mask you live in 1Coralie, Collective Shout is focused on challenging the objectification of women & sexualisation of girls in the media, advertising & popular culture. Yet The Mask You Live In follows the experience of boys and young men as they navigate the definition of masculinity. How is this related to the objectification of women & sexualisation of girls?

You can’t address the problem of objectification and sexualisation without also addressing the fact that our toxic culture is training boys to treat girls this way from an early age. As we travel around the country visiting schools we see first hand the damage that sexualised marketing, video games and exposure to pornography is having on both boys and girls.

the mask you live in 2We are quite aware of the narrow ideal of femininity, particularly around beauty ideals, that females are expected to achieve. How would you describe the current masculine ideal?

Our culture is producing a callous version of masculinity where ‘real men’ are expected disconnect from their emotions, objectify and degrade women and resolve conflicts through violence. The hyper-masculine stereotype is thrust at our boys through Hollywood movies, advertising, video games and even other adults around them.

Heroes, victims or villains: where would you place “males” after seeing this film? 

Men, just like women, are a product of our culture. We have all been influenced by media and marketing. I think this film shows men and boys how they have also been affected by our culture but it also shows them how they have the ability to break these stereotypes and create a healthy version of masculinity. While the finger is pointed directly at the culture we all have the ability to take a stand and make a difference.

the mask you live in 5What struck you most from seeing this film?

The statistics in this film are frightening….this is serious business. The negative mental health implications that stem from a toxic hyper-masculine culture are of great concern. The rates of depression and suicide in young boys cannot be ignored. We need to bring these topics out into the light and challenge the cultural drivers that are dramatically affecting our young people.

What will viewers would most benefit from seeing the film?

The film is a real eye opener. It equips the viewer to be aware of a hyper-masculine culture and therefore take action when exposed to it in our everyday life. It has huge potential to positively influence men and boys but also women and girls. I would highly recommend the film to every student, teacher, parent, and youth worker around Australia.

Don’t miss Collective Shouts screening of The Mask You Live In. Obtain details, RSVP & purchase tickets here.

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