Meet our newest psychologist, Jaime McLellan!

NICKNAME:  I don’t have one!

QUALIFICATIONS: BBus, GradDipPsych, BPsychScHons, MPsychClin. 

ACHIEVEMENTS: I was awarded a scholarship to complete my Master of Clinical Psychology. I was also offered an Australian Government Research Scholarship for a PhD, however decided to continue with my clinical work, as this role really fulfils me.  

WHY DID YOU PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY? Human behaviour is something that has always interested me, and I really enjoy helping people.  I am a big believer in that life doesn’t need to be as hard as it is at times, and with the right supports, life can be great. 

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I am excited to be working at BodyMatters as I have a keen interest in working with Eating Disorders. It will be great to be part of this highly experienced team.

YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’”

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: Retired?  I wish… nah, who I am kidding!! I can’t sit still – I will be continuing to work within the field of psychology helping people to improve their lives. 

FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES:  Hockey, soccer, paddle boarding

FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Reading, drawing, cooking, listening to music, time with family and friends


WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU:  Making the world a better place and surrounding myself with people with like ideals.

WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES:  99 (from Get Smart) – how fun would it to be a female spy!

3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: My dog, wine and a good book (should I have said my husband and kids?? 😊)

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE: I like to regenerate in freshwater waterfalls, and I love a good cheese platter and wine.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE:  Sliding doors – I like the concept, the different paths in life, and I like the Aqua song used in the soundtrack. Does it have to be one movie – I love Neverending Story too!

FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL:  I have been fortunate enough to undertake a fair bit of travel. I love visiting different cultures and also places with historic significance. Also, anywhere with great snorkelling!

IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: My first career goal was to be an animator; however, the digital age took over (I like using a pencil and paper 😊). The other profession I was obsessed with was training police dogs in the Airforce. These professions were childhood dreams, so looking forward now (not that I can see myself moving from clinical work in the near future), would be to work within Health working on policy and procedures for mental health support and processes.


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