What services do you offer?

BodyMatters Australasia provides counselling and treatment for eating and dieting disorders, body image issues and problematic exercise. Our team consists of clinical psychologists, registered psychologists, dietitians, psychotherapists and low-cost counselling. 

Our team of experienced therapists deliver treatment that is industry leading and best practice. If you are suffering from disordered eating, want to improve your relationship with your food and/ or exercise, or are concerned about a loved one exhibiting any of these concerns, we can help you. We offer a range of customised services including counselling, support groups, and events.


What are the session fees?

Our session costs vary depending on the clinician that you choose to see. Please contact us at info@bodymatters.com.au for more information.

Do you offer telehealth support?

Currently, at BodyMatters, ⅓ of our clients already receive treatment via telehealth due to their rural or remote location. We provide services to clients all over Australia for eating, weight and body image concerns and as a practice utilise a secure software called Zoom to provide these services. We are confident that we can continue with treatment via Zoom during this health crisis. 

The Australian Government has recently announced that all telehealth services, both telehealth and telephone services will have permanent access to Medicare rebates. This enables you  to access Medicare rebates on Telehealth sessions and is available indefinitely. If a client is unwell or has tested positive for COVID, all appointments are to be moved to telehealth.


How long are the temporary Medicare Telehealth Item Codes available for?

The Australian Government has recently announced that there will be permanet access to telehealth services.


How do I use Google Meet?

Your therapist will email you a link to the Google Meet. Click on this link from a laptop or ipad and it will automatically download and load Google Meet on your device. Allow five minutes extra for the first time you sign on to ensure the program has downloaded correctly and to avoid any technical issues. A helpful instruction can be viewed here.


What is the difference between an Eating Disorder Plan and Mental Health Care Plan?

A Mental Health Care Plan gives you access to Medicare rebates of up to 20 sessions per calendar year. After 6 sessions, you will require a review from your GP in order to access a further 4 sessions under your care plan. This will need to be reviewed after the 10th session and then again after the 16th session. View our flow chart here.

An Eating Disorder Plan gives you access to 40 psychological sessions and 20 dietetic sessions. After each 10 sessions you will require a review from the GP in order to access a further 10 sessions until 40 sessions have been reached. You are able to see if you are eligible for an Eating Disorder Plan through your GP. View our flowchart here.

Both plans will be lodged by your GP and we will require a copy of both the care plan and a referral letter stating that this has been processed. The rebates remain the same on both care plans, however, rebates may differ slightly depending on whether you see a clinical psychologist or one of our registered psychologists.


What resources are available whilst on the waiting list for a clinician? 

We understand that supporting a child with an eating disorder can be extremely challenging, particularly when you do not have guidance from therapists with knowledge about eating disorders. To help you navigate this extremely difficult time while you are on a waitlist, our team have created SupportWise, a series of self-paced online programs for you to complete at home.

SupportWise is a series of nine programs aimed to provide information about what an eating disorder is, the experience of someone suffering from an eating disorder, evidence-based treatment options, and practical ways to continue to support a loved one through their recovery. Individuals will also learn tips on how to manage their own emotions and expectations, as well as the importance of self-care during this challenging time.

You can read more about SupportWise here.

We also have our podcast available at The Understanding Body Matters Podcast here.


What is I don’t connect with my therapist? Can I switch clinicians?

Absolutely! We believe goodness of fit is paramount and we encourage you to find a therapist that you feel a connection with, which is the best predictor of a successful treatment relationship. 


Do you have appointments available out of normal business hours?

Yes we do! However, this depends on the clinician that you choose to see as this differs across our team!


If my partner and I are separated, are we both expected to come to our child’s appointments?

We do understand that navigating family matters following a separation can be difficult, so we have created guidelines around what you may expect. You can view our Separated Parents Policy here. 


Do you only see eating disorders?

No! Whilst this is a special interest of ours, our therapists come from a variety of backgrounds and have a range of experience that includes experience in treating various mental health concerns. We are often asked if we accept referrals for family members and friends, which we do. Typically a family member or friend would consult a different psychologist. 


How does BodyMatters handle information about me?

Please refer to the BodyMatters Privacy Policy.


Paediatrician Enquiries


BodyMatters are not an acute care service. This means we do not provide after hours or crisis appointments. If at any stage you are concerned about your child’s medical safety you will need to contact your GP, ambulance or the emergency department of your local hospital. Further, there are a number of emergency services available that provide crisis support, depending on your specific situation. These include:

  • The Butterfly Foundation: 1800 33 4673
    The Butterfly Foundation operates a national helpline and online chat facility, which is staffed by counsellors experienced in assisting with eating disorders. It is available 8am – midnight AEST, seven days a week.
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
    Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
    Kids Helpline is a free 24 hour counselling service for Australian kids and young people aged 5-25 years. You can get help over the phone, email or web.
  • Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
    The NSW Mental Health line provides direct telephone access to expert mental health advice 24 hours a day telephone support service, established by the Minister for Mental Health to ensure that people with a mental health problem, their families and carers can access the care they need whenever and wherever they need it.

Managing Medical Risk
Our Paediatricians’ involvement is a specialised, outpatient service which provides a high level review and medical opinion. Your child’s medical risk should also be monitored regularly through consultations with your local GP.  If at any stage you are concerned about your child’s medical safety you will need to contact an ambulance or the emergency department of your local hospital given that we do not provide an acute care service.


Prescriptions and Medication
If you require any communication or prescriptions, schedule your next upcoming available appointment through our admin team. Dr Burgess is available on Monday 9am – 3pm for appointments. There is a high demand for her services so we recommend booking to ensure you can consult her again for any matters that may require further discussion such as the renewal of your next prescription. Many prescriptions may also be available through your GP.

If you require urgent care regarding medication issues, are concerned about side effects or require the urgent renewal of a prescription, please contact your nearest emergency department or your GP. 

Poisons Information Centre: 13 11 26 also provides 24 hour, 7 days a week support service for anyone  concerned about medication issues, including a potential overdose or error with medicine. If this were to ever occur for you we also recommend you consider calling an ambulance or attending the emergency department of your local hospital. 


Communication between sessions

BodyMatters does not offer after hours consultations or phone contact for parents between sessions. Contact with Dr Burgess is by appointment only and during her normal consultation hours. Given the high demand for her service we recommend you are proactive with organising follow up appointments.

Any feedback from your consultation with Dr Burgess will be given directly to you during your consultation with her. Following your appointment with her, Dr Burgess will also typically correspond directly with your GP within 2 weeks of the appointment. This is specialised medical correspondence provided for the purposes of ongoing medical management and care by your treatment team rather than feedback that is necessary for you.


Respectful Behaviour Policy

At BodyMatters, we hold utmost regard for the individuals and families we work with. It is our fundamental belief that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and we expect the same treatment from others when interacting with us. This applies to all forms of communication, whether in person, over the phone, or through email.

We understand that the individuals and families we work with are often experiencing difficult and stressful times. Despite these challenges, we require all communication to be conducted with respect and consideration.

To ensure a safe and positive environment for our staff, doctors, and patients, we strictly prohibit any aggressive, abusive, or threatening behavior towards us. In the event of a breach of this policy, we reserve the right to immediately terminate the interaction. We also reserve the right to discontinue professional interactions with the individual if necessary.