Preparing for Christmas


With Christmas fast approaching, it can cause a lot of anxiety and pressure for many, especially those with an eating disorder due to the many aspects including the focus on the food around this day and change in routine. Although Christmas is considered a time of year many look forward to and is considered a joyful period, it is important to consider and understand that it is not the same for others.

We have recently uploaded a Surviving Christmas with an eating disorder podcast with BodyMatters director and psychologist Sarah McMahon to address why this period is considered so difficult for some and strategies and advice for sufferers, parents, friends and family to get through this time!

We have also put together a Christmas Saftey Plan that you are able to use throughout this time which also provides the details of a number of different agencies you are able to call while your usual support team may be on break or Christmas leave. 

To listen to our Suriving Christmas with an Eating Disorder podcast click

To view our Christmas Saftey Plan click here.

On behalf of BodyMatters we wish you a very safe and happy holidays!

Best Wishes,
The BodyMatters Team

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