October Recovery Talk: Amanda Stokes

We are very pleased to be hosting Amanda Stokes at our Recovery Talk this week! Amanda will be sharing her own personal story of how she has successfully overcome 20 years of living with an eating disorder, to become the founder of the Mirror Movement promoting positive body image and acceptance across generations. Amanda developed Bulimia when she was 22 and as the years went by, she learnt to hide her disordered eating behaviours from everyone around, including her close family and friends. It wasn’t until 20 years later that she had a deep realisation of how her own eating attitudes were affecting herself, her family and in particular her children. After a family holiday during which she lapsed into bingeing & purging behaviour, and after seeing her daughter mimicking her own attitudes to food, she decided to seek help and start on her recovery journey.

“When you weigh up how long you’ve struggled with yourself, thinking that recovering means things will always be rosy is unrealistic. The journey is a long one, but it’s learning how to deal with those old feelings, the ones that feel too familiar to turn away quickly, that make you realise that you’ve come quite a long way.”

Her journey had its ups & downs, but through it she has emerged with a passionate belief about the importance of empowering mothers to overcome their issues around food and body image by creating a movement with the potential to create change for future generations of daughters.

“A mirror’s inability to see the inside is a reflection of society’s view on body image.

The Mirror Movement™ is a campaign to turn the way we see body image upside down. The first step is to peel back the layers of our own story. What teachings did we inherit about food, looking good and body acceptance? Who were we mirroring when we were growing up, and what factors got us off track? This deep knowing allows us to develop a new relationship of appreciation – and forgiveness – for our body and to finally make peace with food.”

Come and listen to Amanda’s inspirational story at our October Recovery Talk Session. This session will be on Saturday October 27th 5.30-7.30pm at will be held online.

It is important that you register and pay online for the group beforehand. Please register here. Registrations are capped at 10 people, if you intend on coming we encourage you to register quickly to avoid disappointment. We will email you a link to the Recovery Talk, which you can log onto from your computer, tablet or mobile.

For those of you who are considering coming along for the first time, our Recovery Talks normally run on the fourth Saturday of each month, and are open for anyone suffering with an eating disorder or struggling with any kind of disordered eating to attend. We also welcome parents, partners, siblings, health professionals- anyone who is interested in understanding more about recovery.

Image credit: amandastokes.com.au

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