NICKNAME: Most people use my full name.
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Psychology); Master of Applied Psychology
ACHIEVEMENTS: Growing up in a family with disability helped me to appreciate the small things in life and not to take a good quality of life for granted. So being able to finish high school and completing university courses was pretty special. When I reflect back on my Psychology career I have made 3 major moves interstate during this time – Queensland to WA- and now NSW. The relocations were not at my initiative so it has meant a big adjustment – which I think I have done pretty well.
WHY DID YOU PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY? As a teenager, I was interested in how I could help others in some kind of therapeutic way, not as a Nurse or a Teacher. So I began studying Social Work at University and enjoyed the Psychology subjects so much, that I switched courses.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO WORK AT BODYMATTERS? I met Sarah at a Psychology workshop and liked her ideas and the way she operates the practice.
YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: My favourite saying is “less is more”- a reference to quality over quantity.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: Maintaining a positive work-life balance. Continuing to pursue good physical health and continuing to support my personal relationships with family and friends. I also see myself becoming more active in the community, spending more time with volunteer groups and involved in Bushcare and other environmental groups.
FAVOURITE SPORTS OR ACTIVITIES: Growing up rugby union used to be everywhere. While its still fun to watch, I now love watching womens sport, like the Matilda’s, the Pearls, the Diamonds, etc. I learnt classical ballet and modern dance as a child and now I regularly do gym classes. In my early twenties I took up tennis, joined a club, and enjoy watching it on TV.
FAVOURITE HOBBIES OR INTERESTS: Growing up I learnt classical ballet, took drama classes, got into debating and singing – all mostly while in school. So those interests have stayed with me in my adult life. I also love being outside in the sunshine and love a good book. Right now, I am busily creating a bird and bee-friendly garden.
WHAT IS YOUR SECRET SKILL: I have some double jointedness and flexibility.
WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU: Family, because of their amazing determination, strength and resilience in adversity. I also think Dylan Alcott is a wonderful role model. His attitude to life is phenomenal, given his disabilities. His honesty and authenticity is surprising and funny.
WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD HEROES: Shane Gould (one of our greatest Olympic swimming gold medalists) and Steffi Graff (world champion tennis player) were amazing women on the world stage at the time. But closer to home I had two school teachers one in primary school and one in secondary school who were great mentors to me.
3 THINGS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND: A good book (something by Pat Barker, Tracy Chevallier, John Donne), my clock-radio (it keeps on keeping and I have woken up to it for years now), and my Happycall double frypan (a recent discovery and the name says it all!).
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE INDULGENCE: Melting moment shortbread biscuits and a really good vanilla slice.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE: “Departures” is a small independent movie that has stayed with me ever since I saw it 10 years ago. It was about relationships, grief and loss and how important it is to celebrate the life of loved ones.
FAVOURITE PLACES TO TRAVEL: Parts of Europe and the Americas.
IF YOU DIDN’T PURSUE PSYCHOLOGY, WHAT OTHER PROFESSION WOULD YOU PURSUE: Probably a florist, an interior designer or something creative.