Nutritional Labels on Fast Food Items – a step in the right direction?

The NSW government will be holding a fast food forum on August 16  in a bid to reduce the “supersize” culture of fast food restaurants. Co-chaired by Premier Bob Carr and NSW Premier Kristina Keneally, it will discuss the government’s plan to force fast food chains to publish nutritional labels including details such as calorie and fat content.

Is this a good thing?

Listen to our Managing Director, Lydia Jade Turner, discuss this with Stuart Bocking on Radio 2UE HERE !

What are your thoughts on fast food regulation? Will it help to reduce poor eating habits? If not, what do you think should be done instead?

11 responses to “Nutritional Labels on Fast Food Items – a step in the right direction?

  1. Great interview! I think nutritional labels can be helpful in that people should know what they are ingesting, especially if they have allergies and so forth, but this business of calorie counting, counting points (as weight watchers has paired up with Maccas) – this is missing the bigger picture.

    I don’t know what would help with people who eat fast food all the time but i just don’t think this is right either

  2. maybe the gov’t should try regulating junk food advertising? there is so much association of junk food with fun and comfort, it is not good for kids to be learning these associations at such a young age!

    but like you said in the interview, a lot of talking and very little action…

  3. really like the comments about enjoying physical exercise instead of seeing it as punishment, although i have never had anorexia i did go thru a phase where i started to think only about whether or not i had worked off the calories and how many grams of protein i could eat rather than just enjoying my body and playing soccer which i love. tat was years ago alright and i’m relieved to not be trapped like that anymore another great interview lydia : )

  4. It’s so good that your sensible health-enhancing approach to food and weight issues is getting such good airplay Sarah and Lydia. I hope this will lead to a total overhaul of our approach to health issues. Keep up the great work. Melinda

  5. THANK YOU for NOT encouraging people to count calories and have these idiotic labels on the packs of mickey- Ds! It is about time we all got some sensible advice on how to be healthy!
    Counting calories just makes people vulnerable to obessive thinking like we see in anorectics. hope to hear more of your stuff soon! ciao

  6. This is an awesome interview I will be sure to tweet it – very articulate. i have dated guys who starve themselves to look good in their skinny jeans, problems with steroids and starvation seem to be a growing issue for younger guys these days (just anecdotally), i have been offered steroids more than once at the gym by other guys who dont even know me. i like how you talk about how everyone is ‘hysterical’ about obesity, ^_^

  7. agree who are they kidding? people don’t eat maccas bcos they think it’s healthy, what difference will labeling the food make?

  8. i would really like to know why the government is even holding this forum, do they really think this will make any difference at all? waste of time. i’d like to know whose involved in this initiative, do they have ties to corporate fast food world so this can just look like they are trying to do something but really the fast food profits will stay the same or go up

  9. Lydia,

    I agree with points you made in regards to fast food regulation. 🙂

    We don’t need a fast food regulation; instead, we need a food industry regulation. People are going to eat fast food with or without a nutritional label on it. The problem lies in the chemicals injected into meats and sprayed onto vegetables & fruits including the popular use of corn syrup. Also, the costs of “healthier” food options are expensive, which I think is ridiculous. However, there are inexpensive “healthier” food options but it is like participating in an Easter egg hunt. I think preparing home cook meals are a better alternative not necessarily “healthier”; it depends on the way food is prepared and cooked. At the end of the day, food is not bad; it is what you do with it. 🙂

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